Day 2 :
Keynote Forum
Elka Touitou
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Keynote: Central nervous system diseases treatment by nasal administration of drugs using a novel technology for direct delivery to brain
Time : 09:30-10:15

Treatment of Central nervous system (CNS) diseases could be improved by efficient delivery of the therapeutic agents to brain. Nasal drug administration is one promising strategy. However, direct delivery to brain with no need of a special device is a challenging task, many molecules being poorly absorbed through the nasal mucosa. The presentation will review work showing improved treatment by enhanced delivery to brain of drugs, tested in animal models for various diseases. Systems were designed by means of novel nanovesicular carriers for nasal administration of central acting drugs. Delivery to brain was tested by imaging technologies and quantification of drug levels in brain and plasma. Treatments and pharmacodynamic effects were evaluated in animal models for MS, pain, insomnia, Parkinson’s disease and hot flushes. Results of several studies showed effective delivery of various drugs to brain and indicated the efficiency of the treatments. It presents near infrared images of the brain indicating superior accumulation of a model molecule in the organ, ten minutes following nanovesicular system nasal administration, relative to controls. An interesting finding is the statistically significant decrease of clinical scores and inflammatory cytokine expression in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) mice following the nasal administration of Glatiramer Acetate (GA) and Cannabidiol (CBD) combination. Moreover, neuron regeneration was observed in the hippocampus of this animal model. The enhanced delivery to brain and efficient pharmacodynamic effects achieved by administration of nasal nanovesicular systems could open a new way for non-invasive delivery to brain and improved treatment of CNS diseases.
Keynote Forum
Michael Har-Noy
Immunovative Therapies Ltd., Israel
Keynote: New generation of therapeutic cancer vaccines affordable to the masses
Time : 10:15-11:00

Immunotherapy is now accepted as a new treatment modality for cancer. US FDA approved checkpoint blockage, anti-CTLA4 and anti-PD1/L1, monoclonal antibody drugs and autologous CAR-T cells are the first generation of drugs with an immunemediated anti-tumor mechanism. These immunotherapy drugs have demonstrated ability to control metastatic disease and hematological malignancies. However, these first generation immunotherapy drugs work in only a limited number of indications and in only a minority subset of patients within these limited indications, particularly the small subset with tumors that express high mutational load status. In addition, these first generation drugs have unique and often serious immune-related sideeffects that require intensive expert supportive care. While many patients can achieve long-term disease control with current immunotherapy drugs, the majority of patients experience only the side-effects without clinical benefit. The limited applicability and efficacy of checkpoint blockade drugs is due to the requirement for a pre-existing, effective immune response to be resident within the tumor lesions (“hot” tumors) in order for the mechanism of checkpoint blockade to be effective. The majority of human tumors lack an effective immune cell infiltrate (“cold” tumors). CAR-T cells are directed against surface antigens on tumor cells. This limits the use of this technology to hematological malignancies, as solid tumors lack unique surface antigen targets which are not expressed on normal tissues. Additionally, due to the cost of current immunotherapy drugs and the cost to treat the side-effects, the majority of the population in the developing world is unable to afford these drugs. Accordingly, there is a high unmet medical need for a broadly effective, low toxicity cancer immunotherapy drug that could be afforded by economically disadvantaged cancer patients. The immunotherapy drugs with the greatest potential for broad applicability against all types of tumors is the subclass of therapeutic cancer vaccines. This type of immunotherapy approach is designed to educate the immune system to specifically recognize tumors and thus create “hot” tumors as well as support the development of immune memory which provides long-term protection against recurrence of the targeted tumor without need for further treatment. Unfortunately, therapeutic cancer vaccines alone or in combination with checkpoint blockade have had disappointing results in the clinic. The failure of therapeutic vaccines is attributed to the multiplicity of complex immunosuppressive and immunoavoidance mechanisms employed by tumors to evade immune elimination. We have developed a new generation of therapeutic vaccines that are designed to provide non-toxic tumor debulking immunity and disease stabilization that are available in an “off-the-shelf” format that potentially can make these vaccines “affordable to the masses”. This new generation therapeutic vaccine technology is based upon the proven Graft-versus-tumor (GVT) mechanism that occurs after allogeneic, non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation (ASCT) procedures. GVT has been described as the most powerful anti-tumor mechanism ever discovered as it is the only mechanism proven capable of mediating tumor debulking of chemotherapyrefractory metastatic disease. However, the clinical application is limited due to the GVT effect association with the extremely toxic and often lethal side-effect known as Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The separation of the beneficial GVT effect from the devastating GVHD effects is the “holy grail” of transplant research. However, the intimate and proportional relationship of these effects has not allowed successful separation. We have developed a bioengineered allograft called “AlloStim®” which has been engineered to reverse the immunological flow of the linked GVT/GVHD effects to enable the effects to emanate from the host, rather than the draft. This creates a non-toxic Host-versus-graft (HVG) rejection that is linked to a Host-versustumor (HVT) effect. The HVT effect is as powerful as the GVT effect of ASCT, without need for chemotherapy conditioning or matched tissue donor. Because the AlloStim allograft is derived from healthy blood donors and one donor can produce enough cells after ex-vivo differentiation and expansion to treat potentially hundreds of patients, the drug provides an economy of scale that can be translated into a treatment affordable to the masses. We will be presenting clinical data demonstrating the anti-tumor effects of this next generation therapeutic vaccine in Thai patients with advanced/metastatic head and neck cancer and advanced/metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma.
- Workshop
Location: Vivaldi (4th Floor)
Session Introduction
Judith Coulson-Geissmann
Coulson Holding Co. Ltd, Thailand
Title: Self-care for healthcare professionals: Connection between individual well-being and the ability to care for others
Time : 11:30-12:30

Impaired physician and healthcare professionals can have a direct impact on patient health care and safety. While some problems of alcoholism and substance abuse among physicians have been addressed, basic concepts like healthy food and lifestyle choices, as well as mental health issues are still widely ignored. While patient safety is paramount, the medical profession might be more successful in achieving the required standards by fostering a culture committed to self-care, health and wellness. Burnout is a common syndrome seen in healthcare workers, particularly physicians and emergency staff, who are exposed to a high level of stress at work. A survey of the topic, taken in 2011, found that close to half of doctors, 45% experienced at least one component of burnout, meaning they are emotionally exhausted, often treat patients as objects, or have lost their sense of purpose. Three years later, the survey numbers got worse. In 2014, burned-out doctors made up 54% of the profession. The time has come for academic medicine to lead by example for the population and to practice what they preach. To do this, we must first develop a shared understanding of physician wellness followed by interventional strategies that lead to a cultural change, including a more positive educational environment for residents and faculty. We need to raise the awareness of self-care and its relation to health, well-being and burnouts. There is a need to create an environment that allows the admitting of burnout symptoms, enable the development of preventive strategies and create a more positive, strength-based approach to health care professional’s own health and well-being.
- Sessions
Session Introduction
Zou Bin
Shanghai Blueray Bio-pharma Co. Ltd., China
Title: Discovery of EED inhibitor BR554: Preclinical candidate as anti-cancer therapy
Time : 12:30-13:00

Trienty B G Purba
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Intra-gastric administration of mangostin microparticles encapsulated by chitosan-alginate: Acute toxicity and organs histopathological changes
Time : 14:00-14:30

Kenneth Thean
Ensoul Medical Clinic, Singapore
Title: Today’s advanced medical aesthetic treatments: A shift from invasive to non-invasive procedures
Time : 14:30-15:00

Naeem Mubarak
International Islamic University, Malaysia
Title: Level of agreement among various health care stakeholders on collaboration between Community Pharmacist (CP) and General Practitioner (GP) for a Collaborative Medication Therapy Management (CMTM) model for Chronic Diseases (CDs) in Malaysia: A Delphi study
Time : 15:00-15:30

Amirah Deandra Diba
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Antioxidant properties of mangosteen pericarp extract
Time : 16:00-16:30

Andika Trya
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Antioxidant properties of mangosteen pericarp extract
Time : 16:00-16:30

Md Hasanuzzaman Sharmin Jahan
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Title: Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of methanolic extract of fruits of Annona muricata (Linn)
Time : 16:30-17:00

Mohammad Idzhar Arrizal
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Acute toxicity and cytotoxicity evaluation of ethyl acetate fraction of Garcinia mangostana Linn. on mice liver, kidney and intestine histopathology as an alternative therapy for colorectal cancer
Time : 17:00-17:30

Nesrine El-Bizri
Merck Research Laboratories, USA
Title: Enhancing drug discovery efficiency: Paradigm shifts
Time : 17:30-18:00

- Workshop
Location: Vivaldi (4th Floor)
Session Introduction
Gabriela Zaharia Rusu
Medical Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Israel
Title: Cognitive behavioral therapy in an older patient with a specific phobia; dromophobia: Case report
Time : 11:20-12:10

This is a case report of a clinical case in which an older patient is presented motivation to modify dysfunctional avoidance behavior in order to be able to confront her phobia to cross the street. Older adult who has experienced a road accident developed fear to cross the street and is in the greater risk for physical and mental problems. Dromophobia is the fear of crossing streets; the term originated from Greek word dromo (race course) and phobia (fear). Phobias arise from the combination of external events such as traumatic events, roads accident and internal predispositions like heredity or genetics. Many specific phobias can be traced back to a specific triggering event, usually a traumatic experience at an early age. Symptoms of dromophobia vary by person depending on their level of fear. The symptoms typically include extreme anxiety, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, dry mouth, nausea, inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking, muscular stiffness, avoidance to cross the street, refusal to go outside without a trusted companion (spouse) and social isolation. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) was used to treat the patient. CBT method in dromophobia treatment was effective providing good results, improving the patient qualities of life.
- Sessions
Location: Vivaldi (4th Floor)
Session Introduction
Sung-Chen Tung
Sung-Ful Sexual Health Center, Taiwan
Title: Treatment of genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder: From cognitive-behavioral sex therapist view
Time : 12:10-12:40

Naeem Mubarak
International Islamic University, Malaysia
Title: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of collaborative practice between community pharmacist and general practitioner on asthma management
Time : 12:40-13:10

Nindya Permata Bunda Surya Utami
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Centella asiatica as a potential plaque stabilizer: Future preventive therapy for cardiovascular disease
Time : 14:10-14:40
Fahad Hussain
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Title: Investigation of antioxidant potentials of Acacia nilotica, Ocimum sanctum and Alpinia nigra
Time : 14:40-15:10

Aisyah Aminy Maulidina
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Treatment of fatty pancreas: Acalypha indica Linn. extract as an alternative to Simvastatin
Time : 15:10-15:40